Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program and Implementation New Normal Era


Covid -19 certainly affects activities within the company because several policies limit the production process in factories. Many of the factories in Indonesia have reduced their employees, even some companies are taking temporary holidays because they don’t get a lot of manufacturing materials. This is a result of the massive restriction process to prevent the spread of the coronavirus or Covid-19. Many large companies are unable to carry out their transportation activities because most urban areas in Indonesia implement Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). This kind of situation has resulted in many people being deprived of their economy because most of them have lost their jobs. This study aims to describe the CSR programs implemented in the New Normal Era. This research method uses qualitative research methods. with data collection techniques using a literature study. The results of this study indicate that there are still many companies in Indonesia that carry out CSR programs to help the success of New Normal. Apart from being a program to empower the community or help the community in such a situation, a company also prepares policies or strategies related to the work process in the company, of course, the methods they have made have been considered and are by government recommendations. In the New Normal era, the existence of CSR played a very important role in the implementation of the New Normal era because many company programs had a better impact on the New Normal policy. Without a CSR program from companies, equipment requirements that comply with the protocol in the New Normal era will not be fulfilled. The community was helped by the existence of CSR programs in the New Normal era.


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How to Cite

Ghozuan, A. Y. (2020). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program and Implementation New Normal Era. International Journal of Innovation Review, 1(1), 29-36.


