Journal of Innovation Review2022-04-20T19:24:21+07:00Ratna Azis Prasetyoadmin@ijireview.comOpen Journal Systems<p>International Journal of Innovation Review (IJIR) is a journal aims to be a leading peer revewed platform and an authoritative source of information.</p> <p>We publish original research papers, review articles dan case studies focused on Innovations in technology, social, policy, research, product, health, rural, financial, bureaucratic, public service as well as related topics that has neither been published elsewhere in any language, nor is it under review for publication anywhere.</p> <p>This Following statement clarifies ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, the editor, the reviewer, and the publisher (Lampros Publications). This statement is based on COPE's Best Practicce Guidelines for Journal Editors.</p> of Farmers in Facing Climate Change in Dander District, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java2022-03-21T12:52:54+07:00septi<p>Climate that is anomalistis have felt the impact both the Government and society at large. The inconsistent climate has created a number of problems for people who work in the agricultural. Climate change has been considered as one of the global and serious threat to the survival of human life and threats to human security, among others; (a). damage to infrastructure, (b), outbreaks of disease that disrupt the level of public health, (c). prolonged levels of drought and lack of water sources; (d). disrupts social and economic activities and causes damage to physical and environmental conditions, (e). prices of food and basic necessities are unstable and increasing, (f). agricultural and plantation products are not optimal; (g). the occurrence of air pollution and various other conditions.</p> <p>This activity was carried out in Dander District, Bojonegoro Regency with the aim to understand and analyzing the strategies and empowerment efforts undertaken by farmer groups in the face of climate change. Activities carried out by FGD (Focus Group Discussion), which was attended by farmers group, head of the village, sub-district and so on. This activity found that farmers do empowerment when facing climate change by developing various forms of adaptation mechanism namely; to choose food crop varieties that can survive in extreme conditions; improve soil fertility with organic ingredient, undertake water management is better, replacing food crops by planting green beans or the like instead of rice, adjustment between planting crops and raising livestock, as well as working in the non-agricultural sector.</p>2022-04-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Innovation Review Program CSR di bidang Kesehatan dalam Upaya Pencegahan dan Penanganan Pandemik Covid-19 di Era New-Normal2021-11-08T10:09:59+07:00Muhammad Fadhli<p>Program Csr tersusun atas berbagai elemen kebutuhan masyarakat, yakni mulai ekonomi, sosial, lingkungan , pendidikan, kesehatan bahkan dalam bentuk fisik seperti bangunan dan sebagainnya. Program Csr yang berbasis pengembangan sumber daya manusia menjadi tahap unggulan yang sangat dibutuhkan masyarakat. Dalam merespons situasi yang <em>chaos</em>, masyrakat memilki beban dan dampak yang luar biasa semakin berat akibat merebaknya Pandemik virus Corona. Masyarakat sangat membutuhkan bantuan dalam bentuk kebutuhan bahan makanan pokok, peralatan medis dalam ranngka pencegahan seperti masker, hand sanitaizer, air bersih, bahan pencucui maupun alat penanganan seperti APD (alat pelindung diri) sampai ventilator. Atas situasi itu, korporasi mengubah berbagai program kemanusiaanya pada sektor kesehatan secara masif dan terencana, sistematis dan kompleksitas yang tinggi. Perusahaan sebagai agen sosial dalam konteks ini turut membantu meringankan beban sosial yang ditanggung masyarakat tidak hanya pada masyarakat lokal, namun meluaskan penerima kepada publik dengan bantuan berbagai relawan dan praktisi-sosial.</p> <p>Program Corporate sosial responsibility dalam bentuk bantuan sosial atau berbasis penegembangan masyarakat merupakan bentuk responsibility bagi setiap korporasi yang bergerak di industri yang sengaja mengurangi mutu kualiatas sumber daya manusia di daerah sekitar. Dengan berbagai upaya komitmen korporsi dalam menciptakan kondisi baru (new- normal) perlu dibutuhkan kesadaran dari masyarakat agar seluruh tenaga, waktu dan anggaran tidak terbuang sisa-sia hanya karena sikap tak acuh masyarakat yang seringkali melanggar protokol kesehatan dalam menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari. Maka akhirnya komitmen, kerja keras, kesabaran serta kesatuan antara pemerintah selaku regulator, perusahaan selaku operator dan masyarakat sebagai pelaku atau subjek perubahan itu sendiri mejadi langkah yang harus dipandang potensial untuk mengakhiri segala penderitaan. Pada akhirnya progresivitas yang maksimal menjadi orientasi utuh dari adanya program kesehatan yang telah disusun dengan matang dan oenuh tanggung jawab denagan satu alasan yaitu kemanusiaan.</p>2022-04-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Innovation Review UMKM BERBASIS DIGITAL PADA MASYARAKAT DI ERA NEW NORMAL2020-09-10T22:44:14+07:00Diana<p>Pemberdayaan masyarakat dapat dilakukan melalui banyak cara diantaranya adalah melalui pemberdayaan umkm. Di era new normal, kebutuhan yang telah berubah dan berfokus dengan berbasis digital mau tidak mau mengakibatkan para pelaku usaha juga mengikuti dan beradaptasi dengan kemauan konsumen. Mengikuti keinginan kosnumen, tidak menghentikan adanya berjalannya program csr perusahaan. Dimana salah satu program paling bermanfaat yang dapat dilakukan di era ini adalah dengan melakukakan pemberdayaan umkm berbasis digital untuk mempertahankan sektor ekonomi negar. Pemberdayaan umkm berbasis digital menjadi salah satu upaya penting dalam memajukan sektor ekonomi dan bertahan di era new normal bagi masyrakat kecil dan menengah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa studi kepustakaan dimana penulis akan berfokus terhadap seluruh kajian literasi serta berita – berita online yang akan menjadi bahan utama dalam penelitian dan penjelasan analisis. Kasus yang akan diambil berjumlah 3 kasus dimana setiap kasusnya akan di kumpulkan sesuai dengan kriteria data yang dibutuhkan. Kemudian akan dianalisis ketiga nya dengan didukung sumber kepustakaan dan konsep new normal serta ekonomi digital. Hasil analisis tersebut nantinya akan dijelaskan dan dipaparkan masing – masing guna menjawab pertanyaan yang telah dituliskan pada rumusan masalah penelitian. Sehingga tersusunlah data valid yang didukung dengan sumber pustaka dalam menjelaskan fenomena yang terjadi. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini sendiri adalah berupa 3 kasus mengenai beberapa perusahaan yang menerapkan program csr pemberdayaan masyarakat berupa umkm berbasis digital. Upaya yang dilakukan diterapkan dan dilakukan monitoring serta evaluasi guna memastikan bahwa pemberdayaan atau program tersebut dapat berjalan lancar. Adapun beberapa dampak yang didapatkan dari adanya pemberdayaan umkm berbasis digital pada masyarakat adalah, 1) Pemajuan kualitas masyarakat, dimana pemberian edukasi oleh perusahaan mengakibatkan perkembangan pengetahuan yang baik dan berpengaruh terhadap kualitas dan kinerja mereka sendiri, 2) Perkembangan bisnis usaha meluas dimana dari bekal pengetahuan yang telah diberikan serta kualitas diri yang meningkat akhirnya berpengaruh terhadap pemikiran yang baru dalam upaya mencapai pengembangan usaha yang lebih besar, 3) Peningkatan kemandirian yang menimbulkan munculnya mental kuat terhadap persaingan bisnis di situasi apapun, sehingga dapat bersaing dan beradaptasi dengan perusahaan apapun baik nasional atau bahkan internasional.</p>2022-04-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Innovation Review Flood Disaster Management in Batu City during the COVID-19 Pandemic2022-01-05T21:58:51+07:00Isti'adah Isti' Prisca Nur Diana Bachtiar Al<p><em>The Flash Flood in Batu City in early November 2021 had various impacts on the community. One of them is damage to buildings and casualties. This study aims to map and describe the damage caused by Flash Flood and what needed by the community after the Flash Flood in Batu City. Considering the occurrence of this disaster in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, we also want to explore the implementation of health protocols during the handling of flash floods in Batu City. The research method used is a qualitative research method with Rapid Assessment. Rapid Assessment is a quick assessment method that is carried out to obtain in-depth information about what is the background of people's behavior including socio-cultural factors in a relatively short and fast time. In this case, our Rapid Assessment is to find out quickly about the handling of the Flash Flood disaster in Batu City, to map the damage, the number of casualties, and what the community needs after the Flash Flood disaster. The data collection method used in this research is an in- depth interview. The results of the Rapid Assessment show that there are several areas in Batu City which are areas affected by the flood disaster in November 2021 which includes areas in Bumiaji District such as Sumber Brantas Village, Bulukerto Village, Padang Rejo Village, Tulungrejo Village, Sidomulyo Village, road areas Selecta and Dieng highway. In the flash flood incident, 15 people were swept away and 7 died, and caused damage to 68 residential units, damage to motorized vehicles in the form of 73 motorcycles and 7 cars. Not only that, there was damage to the residents' farm cages, such as 10 cattle pens that were washed away and 107 livestock lost. Currently, facilities for evacuation and settlement of victims of the Flash Flood disaster require availability and need repairs as a reconstruction program which includes access to clean water, waste management and cleaning, road access, electricity access, logistics facilities as well as disaster emergency response facilities, mask and hand sanitizers for residents in refugee camps are also needed so that health protocols are carried out properly and volunteers are also needed to help clean up the rubble of houses that collapsed and were washed away as well as energy to clean up mud after the Flash Flood.</em></p>2022-04-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Innovation Review Kebijakan Luar Negeri Presiden Joko Widodo dengan Presiden Xi Jinping Dalam Merespons Sengketa Laut Cina Selatan Menggunakan Pendekatan Small Theory2021-01-17T22:44:49+07:00Zalwa Apriliana Melia Greis<p>Dinamika konflik di Laut Cina Selatan memiliki dampak yang besar dalam proses penyelesaian konflik dengan melibatkan berbagai negara. Salah satunya berimplikasi pada ketegangan antara Indonesia dan Cina dengan adanya klaim sepihak yang dilakukan Cina akan blok Natuna walaupun Indonesia tidak secara langsung terlibat dalam konflik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisa komparasi langkah kebijakan antara Presiden Joko Widodo dengan Presiden Xi Jinping dalam merespons konflik Laut Cina Selatan. Penelitian ini dianalisa menggunakan teori analisis kebijakan luar negeri <em>Small Theory</em>. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara kedua tokoh dari segi pandangan dan karakteristik dalam menentukan langkah kebijakan luar negeri yang diambil. Berbagai faktor yang melatarbelakangi perbedaan tersebut akan berpengaruh terhadap setiap langkah kebijakan luar negeri yang diterapkan oleh kedua tokoh tersebut.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci : Komparasi, Kebijakan Luar Negeri, Laut Cina Selatan.</em></strong></p>2022-04-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Innovation Review THE WELFARE OF FAMILY OF FARMERS THROUGH BUSINESS DIVERSIFICATION AND PROVIDING VALUE ADDED ON AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS 2022-01-05T22:08:50+07:00Ratna Azis<p><em>The Pamekasan Regency Government is targeting a 1-digit reduction in the poverty rate since 2018. One of the targets of the poverty alleviation program is the Proppo District. Responding to this policy, Mitra asked for cooperation in the field of community service, especially to improve the welfare of farm workers. Among the families of farm workers, the problems they often face due to the pressure of poverty are generally problems of an elementary nature, namely those related to the difficulty of meeting the necessities of life.</em></p> <p><em>This community service aims to improve the welfare of the families of smallholder farmers through skills training for smallholders to add value to agricultural products and encourage the ability of smallholder families and farm workers to diversify their businesses. This activity is carried out by providing skills training to farm workers to improve welfare through adding value to agricultural products and the ability to diversify their businesses so that they have the ability to increase their income.</em></p>2022-04-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Innovation Review Assessment of Community Perceptions in The City of Surabaya to the Use of Mask in the New Normal Era2022-01-05T21:55:39+07:00sela septi dwi Kristina Distya Febi Roslin<p><em>The decrease in the rate of transmission of Covid-19 in the city of Surabaya is marked by an increase towards the new normal lifestyle. In this new normal era, the use of masks is important to reduce the transmission of Covid-19. The purpose of this study was to determine the urgency of using masks for people in the city of Surabaya when Covid-19 cases had shown a drop-rate. Second, perceptions or ideas about masks are closely related to people's experiences in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. The public will make these long-term decisions based on the benefits they felt while wearing masks during the Covid-19 pandemic, when the level of transmission in Surabaya was still unstable. The type of research used is Rapid Assessment Procedures (RAP), which is a qualitative data collection technique by means of a rapid assessment to obtain in-depth information about the factors underlying public health behavior, including socio-cultural factors in a relatively short time. Sampling in the RAP was carried out on a small number of informants using purposive sampling technique. The number of informants for in-depth interviews as primary data is 12 people that scattered throughout Surabaya. The results of this study indicate that the people in Surabaya have the view that the use of masks is important in the new normal period as an effort to protect themselves and others. On the other hand, people of Surabaya believe that there is a need for a review of the regulations for the use of masks because the constant use of masks causes obstruction of air circulation in mask wearers.</em></p>2022-04-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Innovation Review