Climate that is anomalistis have felt the impact both the Government and society at large. The inconsistent climate has created a number of problems for people who work in the agricultural. Climate change has been considered as one of the global and serious threat to the survival of human life and threats to human security, among others; (a). damage to infrastructure, (b), outbreaks of disease that disrupt the level of public health, (c). prolonged levels of drought and lack of water sources; (d). disrupts social and economic activities and causes damage to physical and environmental conditions, (e). prices of food and basic necessities are unstable and increasing, (f). agricultural and plantation products are not optimal; (g). the occurrence of air pollution and various other conditions.
This activity was carried out in Dander District, Bojonegoro Regency with the aim to understand and analyzing the strategies and empowerment efforts undertaken by farmer groups in the face of climate change. Activities carried out by FGD (Focus Group Discussion), which was attended by farmers group, head of the village, sub-district and so on. This activity found that farmers do empowerment when facing climate change by developing various forms of adaptation mechanism namely; to choose food crop varieties that can survive in extreme conditions; improve soil fertility with organic ingredient, undertake water management is better, replacing food crops by planting green beans or the like instead of rice, adjustment between planting crops and raising livestock, as well as working in the non-agricultural sector.
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