The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit all corners of the world from early 2020 until now has brought changes that are still in all areas of people’s lives. The efforts to handle and prevent the transmission of COVID-19 that have been implemented in the policies of countries in the world have an impact on the economic crisis. At times like this, the company faces a situation that is quite vulnerable and risky, however, activities Corporate Social Responsibility must be carried out. Corporate social responsibility activities can not only benefit stakeholders such as the community, workers, and consumers but can also have a positive impact on the company›s efforts to improve the company›s economic conditions. The purpose of this journal article is to describe strategies and corporate social responsibility programs that are appropriate in facing the era new normal in Indonesia. The method used in this journal article is descriptive qualitative with data sources derived from previous literature studies. As a result, the company can implement new strategies in its program corporate social responsibility for stakeholders. Areas that became the main focus of social responsibility activities in the new normal included economics, health, and education. Innovation and creativity in seeing opportunities are very important to be an empowerment strategy for the community, non-governmental organizations, workers/employees, and consumers. With the help of the Corporate Social Responsibility program carried out by the company together with stakeholders, if it is successful, it can help the Indonesian Government’s efforts to suppress the spread of COVID-19 and develop the Indonesian community.
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