Empowerment of Digital Based Msmes In Communities in The New Normal Era


One of the most useful programs that can be carried out in the new normal era is to empower digital-based Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to maintain the country’s economic sector. Empowering digital-based MSMEs is an important effort in advancing the economic sector and surviving in the new normal era for small and medium-sized people. The method used in this research is a literature study. Where the author focuses on all literacy studies and online news which will be the main material in research and analysis explanations. There are 3 cases to be taken. Each case will be collected according to the required data criteria. Then the three will be analyzed with the support of library sources and the new normal concept and the digital economy. The results of the analysis will then be explained and presented respectively to answer the questions that have been written in the research problem formulation. So that valid data is compiled which is supported by literature sources in explaining the phenomena that occur. The research results obtained from this research itself are in the form of 3 cases regarding several companies implementing CSR community empowerment programs in the form of digital-based MSMEs. Efforts are being made and monitoring and evaluation are made to ensure that the empowerment or program can run smoothly. The several impacts obtained from the empowerment of digital-based MSMEs on the community are, 1) Improvement of the quality of society, where the provision of education by companies results in the development of good knowledge and affects their quality and performance, 2) The development of business is expanding, from provision The knowledge that has been given as well as the increased self-quality ultimately affects new thinking to achieve greater business development, 3) Increased independence which results in the emergence of a strong mentality towards business competition in any situation so that it can compete and adapt to any company both nationally or even internationally.


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How to Cite

Nurhavina, D. (2020). Empowerment of Digital Based Msmes In Communities in The New Normal Era. International Journal of Innovation Review, 1(1), 61-70. https://doi.org/10.52473/ijir.v1i1.14


