Development is often oriented only to economic activities, thus creating social disparities and creating other more complex social problems, one of which is poverty. The impact of development based on the fulfillment of the economic sector has made minority groups increasingly depressed, including the diffable groups. Persons with disabilities often do not have a place in the community. This group was excluded and unable to contribute at all due to inability and lack of access. The research approach used a descriptive analytical approach, while the data collection method was carried out by literature study. The research is more focused on the analysis of the disabled empowerment program by the CSR of PT. Pertamina Fuel Terminal (TBBM) Boyolali in the new normal period. Therefore, development steps based on inclusive empowerment can be an effective step in solving development problems. As a result, equality and social justice can be achieved if inclusive development is successfully implemented. The diffable group as a minority group has access to help increase the bargaining price in society so that it can have an impact on economic, social and political development. When the position of the diffable group is strong in society, the community will respect and respect its existence. This is evidenced by the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic which has affected many businesses and community groups. Sriekandi Patra is proof that inclusive development has succeeded in helping minority groups to survive in such a difficult situation. In the New normal era, Sriekandi Patra was actually able to show his real contribution to society.
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