The coronavirus pandemic has been going on since the beginning of 2020. The new virus was originally discovered in China. All countries in the world are inseparable from the threat of the coronavirus, including Indonesia. During a pandemic, many changes occur in the fabric of society. All activities outside the home are avoided, direct encounters with other people are also avoided. Quarantine is carried out in various regions to reduce exposure to the virus. As a result of this social restriction, the community has suffered a lot of losses. Many people have lost their jobs and income, and the many changes in habits or activities that have to be undertaken have made society uncertain. In previous studies, there has been a review of adaptation strategies carried out to survive or survive amid such rapid changes. This study discusses alternatives to community empowerment that can be carried out amid the coronavirus pandemic, especially during the period new normal. The research uses a literature study research method, namely by finding secondary data through theses, journals, or other text sources in finding the data used in this study. The authors relate the problems faced, especially during the pandemic, with a summary of the Millennium Development Goals. This is because the pandemic indirectly hinders the realization of people’s welfare, the points of which are listed in the millennium development goals. After categorizing the problems, the authors look for several alternatives to community empowerment that can be adapted from programs that have been implemented in the past. Then, the authors describe the benefits that can be obtained from community empowerment carried out during the coronavirus pandemic, especially or especially during the transition to the new normal.
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