Community empowerment is very important for the community, especially the government itself because these activities have a positive impact on the surrounding environment. Community empowerment is also one way for people to work together to make the program that has been issued a success. This study provides an overview of the implementation of community empowerment in the ‘Jogo Tonggo’ program initiated by the Central Java Provincial Government to fight the Covid-19 pandemic and looks at the impacts and strategies of the Central Java Provincial Government in reducing the number of people exposed to Covid-19. This study used a qualitative approach with a literature study method in the form of a review of the Jogo Tonggo new normal era program based on references and data in the field. The results showed that this program was also responded positively by the people of Central Java so that even in the new normal, the government did not hesitate to implement the program to reduce the level of people exposed to Covid-19.
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