A good company is not only focused on making profits economically to enrich the company itself, but the company also has a contribution, both in the form of concern for natural conditions and also the welfare of the community. Understanding related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), in general, always revolves around three main things, namely voluntary (voluntary), companies can also set aside a part of their profits to be used in the context of philanthropy, and as a form of obligation. ) company. These three things during this pandemic were used as an excuse for force majeure. Even though the company is still able to carry out the normal production process as usual. The method used is descriptive qualitative analysis method with literature study. When the enforced new normal is, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can carry out its duties again as before by implementing health protocols by complying with the rules of the late stipulated SOP. The existence of a pandemic is a great opportunity for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to be actively involved during the crisis and to become a catalyst for a new era in the development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the long term.
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